Calling BitStamp API using Guzzle
I’ve recently been working on integrating to the BitStamp API from a Laravel application, and I was having some problems calling it using the Guzzle PHP HTTP Client.
I’m sharing how I was finally able to make a call to the API.
The API supports 2 types of calls:
- public calls, e.g to get the market ticker
- private calls, e.g. to get your account balance. The private calls require you to pass some extra details required for authentication, i.e.
The signature is generated using an algorithm they’ve defined in their docs. I’ve written a post to demonstrate how to do this in PHP here.
I have a function that will handle calling different endpoints on the API, so I just have to send pass the following:
if required,- a flag,
to determine if we need to pass additional authentication params, and; - the
, which contains anyPOST
parameters required.
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
function callBitStampApi($endpoint, $requestType = 'GET', $queryParams = [], $requiresAuth = false, $requestBody = [])
$bitstampApiClient = new GuzzleClient([
'base_uri' => ''
$requestParams = [
'query' => $queryParams
$requestParams['form_params'] = $requestBody;
if ($requiresAuth) {
// generate nonce
$mt = preg_split('/ /', microtime());
$nonce = $mt[1] . substr($mt[0], 2, 6);
$requestParams['form_params']['key'] = env('BITSTAMP_API_KEY');
$requestParams['form_params']['nonce'] = $nonce;
$requestParams['form_params']['signature'] = generateBitstampSignature($nonce);
$resp = $bitStampApiClient->request($requestType, $endpoint, $requestParams);
return json_decode($resp);
For calls that require authentication, the key
, nonce
& signature
should be passed as form_params.
One thing to note, if you pass the endpoint
parameter without a trailing slash, e.g. ticker
instead of ticker/
, you’ll get an error saying:
{"error": "Missing key, signature and nonce parameters"}
An example of a call to this function would be:
// make call to ticker endpoint
$marketTickerData = callBitStampApi('ticker/', 'GET');
// make call to account balance endpoint
$accountBalData = callBitStampApi('balance/', 'POST', [], true);
That’s all for now people! Back to code!